Win Clients For Your Creative Business - Interview by ArchiCGI

Attract ideal clients on social media
Do you want to find new clients for your creative business on social media such as Instagram or Linkedin? 📈ArchiCGI, a leading global professional 3D architecture rendering firm, has recently interviewed me about marketing & sales online strategies for architects and designers. Learn how social selling and practical Linkedin tactics can grow your creative business by finding clients for your creative business on social media! From passion to business.Like most designers, you probably started from the passion to create, to do artwork. And sometimes having your own studio comes along as a logical step of growth. The business, however, is not necessarily the thing that you like to do.That’s why I coach design and creative companies on the principles of positioning, marketing, and sales — but in a very playful and creative way. For instance, that could mean drawing, brainstorming in a mind mapping environment of Miro. I make it easy and approachable for designers to do business work.
1. Position your Creative Business
Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle reminds us to share the drive and passion about why we do the work we do to connect. Designers provide a service, which is based on trust. Connect with the person you serve.
📌 TIP: Answer clearly why you do what you do and what your work approach is. How do you do it differently and why do you do it, what drives you, what is your vision? Once you are clear about your profile, it can be articulated in a strong pitch — the one you’d put in LinkedIn in your headline.
2. Showcase the value you create
Your Value Proposition Canvas explains how you as a designer solve the problem of your clients. It’s a connection of how design brings your client a step forward.
📌 TIP: The next logical question is where and how you can create this right relationship with your clients. If, for example, you are an interior designer for the hospitality industry, the chances are quite high that the decision-makers of such companies, let’s say, design manager or marketing manager, are on LinkedIn to do the job and connect.
3. Connect with ideal clientsThe crucial question is: “Where are my clients?”. If you are where your clients are, then you are visible and you can share your work. If you serve business clients, LinkedIn is your No 1 online option to reach them. Of course, offline events, like trade fairs, etc, are also valuable.
📌 TIP: Describe what you bring to the table and which kind of dream you realize as a designer. Showcase how you work and the results you create. Show how you translate the client’s dream into a final product, including different stages of concepting and designing. It builds trust. Show your expertise with multiple strong visual stories.
💬 What is your next step to attract ideal clients on social media?